The 7/7 Bombers: A Psychological Investigation

On 7 July 2005 Britain experienced its first ever suicide attack. Four bombs exploded in central London, killing 52 people and injuring over 700. When Scotland Yard launched one of the biggest investigations in its history, another first was quickly uncovered: the suicide bombers were home-grown, they were young British men, attacking their own country. Horizon explores what makes someone want to blow themselves – and others - up?

Other episodes for this season

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Einstein's Unfinished Symphony
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Einstein's Equation of Life and Death
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Living with ADHD
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Episode 5 - Neanderthal
An Experiment to Save the World
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Who's Afraid of Designer Babies?
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The Lost Civilisation of Peru
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The Next Megaquake
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Does the MMR Jab Cause Autism?
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Malaria: Defeating the Curse
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Tsunami: Naming the Dead
Episode 12 - Tsunami: Naming the Dead
The Hawking Paradox
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The Mystery of the Human Hobbit
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The Doctor Who Makes People Walk Again?
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Can Fish Make My Child Smart?
Episode 16 - Can Fish Make My Child Sm...
Madagascar - A Treetop Odyssey
Episode 17 - Madagascar - A Treetop Od...
Titan. A Place Like Home?
Episode 18 - Titan. A Place Like Home?
The 7/7 Bombers: A Psychological Investigation
Episode 19 - The 7/7 Bombers: A Psychological Investigation
The Ghost in Your Genes
Episode 20 - The Ghost in Your Genes