The Dark Secret of Hendrik Schön

Imagine a world where disease could be eradicated by an injection of tiny robots the size of molecules. That is the hope offered by nanotechnology - the science of microscopically small machines. But others fear nanotechnology could lead to a non-biological cancer - where swarms of tiny nanobots come together and literally devour human flesh. Sounds like science fiction? It certainly did until a brilliant young scientist called Hendrik Schön seemed to bring it a step closer. Schön's great breakthrough was to make a computer transistor out of a single organic molecule. It was an achievement of almost incalculable brilliance. Some speculated this technology could spell the end of the entire silicon chip industry. Crucially, Schön's transistor was organic. Suddenly, this seemed to be the first step towards true nanotechnology, where minute computers could grow as living cells. Scientists speculated about how these tiny machines could be used to target diseases with astonishing precision. Others wondered - could the military use them as a new weapon? Others, including Prince Charles, were terrified. If these machines can grow by themselves, how do we stop them from growing? What happened next would destroy reputations and shatter lives - because there was more to Hendrik Schön's discovery than anyone knew.

Other episodes for this season

The Demonic Ape
Episode 1 - The Demonic Ape
The Moscow Theatre Siege
Episode 2 - The Moscow Theatre Siege
The Atkins Diet
Episode 3 - The Atkins Diet
Secrets of the Star Disc
Episode 4 - Secrets of the Star Disc
The Dark Secret of Hendrik Schön
Episode 5 - The Dark Secret of Hendrik Schön
Thalidomide - A Second Chance?
Episode 6 - Thalidomide - A Second Ch...
Diamond Labs
Episode 7 - Diamond Labs
T-Rex - Warrior or Wimp?
Episode 8 - T-Rex - Warrior or Wimp?
Project Poltergeist
Episode 9 - Project Poltergeist
The Truth of Troy
Episode 10 - The Truth of Troy
The Truth About Vitamins
Episode 11 - The Truth About Vitamins
King Solomon's Tablet of Stone
Episode 12 - King Solomon's Tablet of...
Derek Tastes of Earwax
Episode 13 - Derek Tastes of Earwax
What Really Killed the Dinosaurs?
Episode 14 - What Really Killed the Di...
Making Millions the Easy Way
Episode 15 - Making Millions the Easy...
Saturn - Lord of the Rings
Episode 16 - Saturn - Lord of the Ring...
The Hunt for the Supertwister
Episode 17 - The Hunt for the Supertwi...
Dr Money and the Boy with No Penis
Episode 18 - Dr Money and the Boy with...