Image of Hildegun Riise

Hildegun Riise

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Hildegun Riise. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Flaggermusvinger 1992-02-01
Latest Project:
Movie Munch 2023-01-27
Known For
Poster of Farukhs Mynt
Poster of Kjøter
Poster of The Greatest Thing
Poster of Flaggermusvinger
Movie Munch Petra 2023-01-27
Movie In Order of Disappearance Gudrun 2014-02-21
Movie 1001 Grams Wenche 2014-09-07
Movie Farukhs Mynt Jorunn 2011-06-22
Movie House of Fools Engelen 2008-09-12
Movie Kjøter 2006-01-19
Movie My Jealous Barber Susie 2004-01-01
Movie Falling Sky Vigdis 2002-10-18
Movie The Greatest Thing Gunlaug 2001-08-31
Movie Detector Daniel's Mother 2000-08-25
Movie The Other Side of Sunday Mrs. Tunheim 1996-02-09
Movie Flaggermusvinger 1992-02-01
Movie Lethal Lies Åsa 1992-02-20